Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don' Watch TV, It'll Rot Your Brain...

      I believe the time is finally here; an opportunity to rag on the American entertainment industry. Yes, there are some perks, but the majority of television shows today center themselves around unimaginative plots, profane and vulgar language, and documentary style filming. Some of the most popular television shows today, such as Jersey Shore, are displays of people performing half scripted, high drama situations that really and truly are just sad. What has it come to when America gets the most entertainment value out of watching other people's messed up lives? Before I get to critical, I think I should go back a few steps. Shows like Jersey Shore are not the only ones on the air. There are still hundreds of soap operas, family entertainment, and medical dramas airing everyday. Life will always be good as long as McDreamy is still playing the ever alluring role of a doctor. Even still, with all levels of television, is America becoming too obsessed? Of course we are! We are high powered, driven consumers whose world revolves around the television for not only entertainment, but shopping via commercials, weather updates, newscasts, and even music. The TV has transformed from showing small shows to practically everything imaginable. I implore you to find something that you could not find somewhere sometime on a television.
      The more I consider America's television addiction, the more I look at myself and my actions regarding entertainment. The older I get and the higher in school I get (now a junior in high school) I find myself watching less and less television a week. This partly because I honestly do not have the time, but also, after I come home from a long day at school and soccer practice, I do not want to involve myself with any more drama, even if it is fictional and on a screen. Do you ever feel like that? Like if you watch one more thing that has high drama levels you may implode from all the stressful drama in your life? For me, this is a problem I have come to realize, and it makes me wonder, does television cause higher levels of angst among young people, or even adults? Could the TV and its programs be affecting our daily behaviors by setting guidelines for how we should conduct our selves socially and what is and is not normal? Perhaps I am looking too deep into this matter, but it makes you wonder, what would the world be like without the television?

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