Friday, March 18, 2011

The Baby Threw the Cracker

     Well my project is now over for school, and my teachers promptly swamped me with work, so I haven't posted in a while... but that's ok! I don't have serious followers, so no harm done.
     As of today, I have little inspiration to write. Nothing to exciting has happened, nor do I have something i wish to rant about, so I am going to leave you with a song to listen to, and many wishes for a good weekend! Happy tunage!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Don' Watch TV, It'll Rot Your Brain...

      I believe the time is finally here; an opportunity to rag on the American entertainment industry. Yes, there are some perks, but the majority of television shows today center themselves around unimaginative plots, profane and vulgar language, and documentary style filming. Some of the most popular television shows today, such as Jersey Shore, are displays of people performing half scripted, high drama situations that really and truly are just sad. What has it come to when America gets the most entertainment value out of watching other people's messed up lives? Before I get to critical, I think I should go back a few steps. Shows like Jersey Shore are not the only ones on the air. There are still hundreds of soap operas, family entertainment, and medical dramas airing everyday. Life will always be good as long as McDreamy is still playing the ever alluring role of a doctor. Even still, with all levels of television, is America becoming too obsessed? Of course we are! We are high powered, driven consumers whose world revolves around the television for not only entertainment, but shopping via commercials, weather updates, newscasts, and even music. The TV has transformed from showing small shows to practically everything imaginable. I implore you to find something that you could not find somewhere sometime on a television.
      The more I consider America's television addiction, the more I look at myself and my actions regarding entertainment. The older I get and the higher in school I get (now a junior in high school) I find myself watching less and less television a week. This partly because I honestly do not have the time, but also, after I come home from a long day at school and soccer practice, I do not want to involve myself with any more drama, even if it is fictional and on a screen. Do you ever feel like that? Like if you watch one more thing that has high drama levels you may implode from all the stressful drama in your life? For me, this is a problem I have come to realize, and it makes me wonder, does television cause higher levels of angst among young people, or even adults? Could the TV and its programs be affecting our daily behaviors by setting guidelines for how we should conduct our selves socially and what is and is not normal? Perhaps I am looking too deep into this matter, but it makes you wonder, what would the world be like without the television?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Sound of Music

    Ah, music. There is nothing better than putting in your headphones and listening to your favorite jam. With a wide variety of songs, artists, albums, and genres to choose from, music may just be one the hardest thing to discuss. Not only does everyone have their own opinion on music, but there are so many choices, that it's almost impossible to find someone with the exact same musical interest as you. For example, you may be like me and enjoy the melodious lyrics and catchy tunes of alternative, indie rock, and electro-pop with some European inspired instrumentals thrown in. Or perhaps you're an advocate of rap, R&B, and some bluesy jazz. Whatever your favorite genre, music is one of America's best cultural aspects in my opinion. It allows for self expression, entertainment, and a great way to socialize with others. Who could hate any of that? Besides, if we didn't have music we wouldn't have dances, or rhythm, and a lot less art (music is a huge influence on artwork). A world without music would just be plain sad. Actually, a world wihtout music wouldn't really be a world at all. 
   Since this blog was designed to talk about pop culture, I figure I best describe the "pop" music first. Typically the most popular music is a combination or rap, electronic, and R&B all mixed together. For example, as of right now the top ten songs on the radio are:
1. Born This Way: Lady Gaga
2. Forget You: Cee Lo Green
3. Grenade: Bruno Mars
4. I Need a Doctor: Dr. Dre
5. F'ing Perfect: Pink
If you haven't noticed, or are just unfamiliar with pop music, the majority of this music has a large dose of profanity, predictable themes, and glorify behaviors such as alcoholism and drug usage. I am not saying that all pop music is like that, but a large percentage it. My favorite example of this contrasting pop music pickle is the artist Ke$ha. Her most popular songs have been Blah, Blah, Blah, Tik Tok, Take it Off, and Your Love is My Drug. With the exception of Your Love is My Drug, these songs idolize drinking, clubbing, and promiscuous behavior. However, if you find yourself  looking at some of her other music, you'll discover she typical lyrics about love and heart break, such as her song Stephen. So, in conclusion; pop music can be pretty edgy in terms of material, but if you take a closer look you may find that underneath it all there is some good music there.
To wrap this up, I would like to leave you with a list of music that I personally enjoy. It is different, but I think it's pretty awesome. So If you haven't heard of these bands or songs, take a minute and do some musical education. You may find you like some it!

Artist- Title
Beirut- Postcards from Italy
The Black Keys- Tighten Up, Howlin' For You
The Broken Bells- The High Road
the Dear Hunter- Smiling Swine (to be honest I haven't heard a song of theirs I disliked)
JET- Lazy Gun
Electric Light Orchestra: Turn to Stone, Sweet Talkin' Woman (old band, but still good )
If you find yourself liking any of this and wanting more please ask and I will give you as much info and suggestions as possible. Happy Listening!
This is a video, so you can listen NOW! (Good Gone Girl- Mika)
top charing music list found at:

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rah Rah Ree, Kick em' in The Knee!

      Baseball; America's favorite pass time. Football; the sport that brings us all closer. Basketball;  we have a whole month of madness dedicated to it.  Sports surround us, and they are a vital aspect of American culture. Could you imagine our country without the Super Bowl, or the World Series? While these three sports are the more popular, America plays hosts to a plethora of other athletic competition such as soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, track and field, golf, hockey, swimming, gymnastics, wresting. boxing, water polo, polo, ping pong,  and many many others. If I were to keep naming sports this entry would go know where, so I will now digress and hope that you have picked up on common sports are in our country. We are a nation driven on strength and the need to compete. In almost everything we do, we treat it like a competition. In high school you compete to be the best scholar or Valedictorian; in college you compete to find a job, and in life you compete for promotions. However, out of all this competing, American's still find a need to have college and professional sports leagues that add to the angst of competition. We just can't seem to help ourselves. It is just so much fun to watch men and women scramble and fight to be the best, to win the ball, or to push another person to the ground. Sports are filled with gritty violence and the push to succeed. It's no coincidence that America won 110 total medals in the 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing, China. It's practically in our blood to crush our opponent, and we make a point to deliver this persona every opportunity we get.
        I myself being soccer player, understand the rush you receive from playing sports. There is nothing like blocking a break away, or watching a last minute goal be scored. I can fully understand how people that have never played a sport enjoy watching athletics. Especially college sports. Some of the most rabid fans haven't even attended the college they cheer for, and why is this?... because sports or a vernacular tradition. If you're from Texas then it's almost a guarantee that you will cheer for the Longhorns. People have a strong tie to their home towns and with home towns comes sports teams. You love your home, therefore you will love your home team. In the iconic tribute to baseball "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", a lyric says "root root, root for the home team". So go on, root for your home team , you honestly just can't help your self!

Olympic Information found at:

I have attached a video or a soccer bicycle kick. A) it's related to my topic B) It was performed by Ronaldo (wink wink) C)  it's just plain boss, don't deny it!